Around The House At Christmas Time | Anchors Aweigh


December 13, 2017

Around The House At Christmas Time

Christmas is my favorite time of year (besides summer when I don't have to be cold all the time ;)). I love decorating, I love wrapping presents, and I love blasting Christmas music all through the house for a month straight. 

I am typically one of those people we all silently judge for decorating their house before Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving too, but I am ready by mid-November to start enjoying my Christmas decorations. With this being Preston's first Christmas, I was way excited to jump the gun and get my Christmas on! I thought I would take today to share a few little decorations that make me happy. :)

My mom always had nutcrackers in her house, so I always get excited to display these guys. Nutcrackers just scream Christmas to me!

I love this little nativity set we got from Parker's grandmother a few years back. It's simple and sweet, and those little sheep are adorable!

I bought our stockings when we got married from Lands End. I love the needlepoint look!

I ordered Preston's stocking last year when I was still pregnant, and I am not exaggerating at all when I say hanging it this year was a dream come true. I love seeing his stocking hung next to his sister pup's stocking.

A few gifts waiting to be opened! I love making bows and purposely do not save the bows each year so that I get to make them again. The joy I get wrapping presents and making bows is greater than the $7 I would save by saving the bows each year. ;)

Here is a little snippit of our Christmas tree! We bought a pre-lit tree back in 2011, and this was the year the lights decided to stop working. We had a good run, but instead of getting my rear in gear and trying to fix it, I've resorted to just not having lights this year. I'm a mom... we don't have time to go through every bulb to find the faulty one. Or at least that's the excuse I am using here. ;)

I think I blogged about this last year, but I love this Christmas memories book! Each year, I adhere our Christmas card and write about gifts, special memories, etc. It will be so nice to have to look back on!

A look inside this sweet little book. You can order one here if you are interested!

And lastly, Christmas cards. I blogged last week about my love for sending out Christmas cards. I love receiving cards and displaying them in our home. It makes my heart happy!


  1. I am also one of those people that decorates before Thanksgiving - so I'm being silently judged right along with you! I love your decorations; especially those stockings, although I may be partial because my stocking(s) are also from Lands End!

  2. Love it! Post a video on how to make bows so pretty!

  3. I love how your bows turned out! I wish I had talent like that.

  4. Your home is so pretty! We forgot to decorate the outside of our house this year.... oops!


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