2018 Word of the Year | Anchors Aweigh


January 2, 2018

2018 Word of the Year

Happy New Year friends! How in the world is it already 2018? 2017 was an amazing year for us. We welcomed our son into the world, and my heart fell in love with him more than I ever could have imagined. I am sad time is going by so quickly but excited to see what 2018 has in store!

I am not one to set new years resolutions (mostly because I never can seem to keep them), but I like to reflect on the person I am and think about positive changes I can make to grow as a better Christian, wife, and mom. I like the idea of having a word of the year to meditate on and focus on. When I thought about what that word would look like, several came to mind: patience, flexibility, and kindness to name a few. These are great, but the word I want to meditate on and strive to live out is joy. 


It's such a simple 3 letter word, but it has the ability to turn every situation around for the better. This year, I want to choose joy. I can't control what life throws my way this year. I am sure there will be high highs and low lows just like there are every year. There will be triumphs and heartbreaks. I can't control what happens, but I can control how I handle it. In all circumstances, good and bad, I want to choose joy. I want to live out joy. I want to let go of the little things, find the positives in every situation, and live out joy for my family and anyone I encounter. 

So here's to a new year with new opportunities and new adventures. Here's to choosing joy through it all!


  1. Happy New Year! I think joy is an important thing to choose. It gets you through the tough times!

  2. Joy is such a great word to choose for 2018!

  3. I love this. It really is such a simple word that means so much!

  4. What a great word to choose! Hope 2018 is fantastic for your family! :)

  5. Happy New Year!My word is persistence. No matter what happens I can trust God and I desire to keep running the race.

  6. Even Jenny is on the joy wagon!


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