Family in Virginia (One Last Time) | Anchors Aweigh


March 5, 2018

Family in Virginia (One Last Time)

A couple of weekends ago, we hosted 10 family members in Virginia for a very special boy's first birthday! Our time in Virginia is coming to an end (more on that in another post), so this was our last time having family visit! How in the world is our child already one? I could go on and on about how time moves too quickly and it seems physically impossible for our baby to already be one. Instead, I thought I'd keep things light and slightly less philosophical and just share some of our favorite moments from that very special weekend.

We were so grateful and blessed to have so many family members fly in for Preston's first birthday. I get that a first birthday is really for the parents because, let's face it, Preston won't/already doesn't remember it, but it was so special for Parker and me to celebrate our baby's first year with the people we love. 

I hope to write a post soon on the party theme and decorations (again, he won't remember or care, but a kid only turns one once, so we went all out!). For now, here are some of my favorite pictures from the party. 

All pictures were taken by my wonderful friend Lea at Loraine Marie Photography! Check her out here

One year of this sweet boy! I can't tell you how much Parker and I have learned about each other and how much we have grown over the last year. Parenting was a whole new ballpark for the marriage, and I am so grateful we get to do it together. 

I love this picture. It doesn't have everyone, but these are some of the girls who got me through the first year. They say it takes a village. This is part of mine!

The grandmothers and great grandmothers who made the trip! This boy is so lucky!

Family picture! Not pictured was cousin Emmett, who was upstairs napping. We love our people!

Preston, you better turn that frown upside down! These are the people that dropped everything anytime I needed someone, like the time they took care of you/me when I had eye surgery solo. Super grateful for these friends of mine!

My people. Love my mom and twin sister so much. Nobody endured more parenting-inspired Facetime rants this past year than these two.

It was such a special day celebrating the boy who changed our lives forever. I cannot believe I've been his mom for a year already! There is no greater job in the world to me!


  1. Looks like a wonderful time! Excited to hear about where the Lord is leading y'all next!!

    :) Rebecca

  2. That is so wonderful that your families came to visit for Preston's birthday! I can't wait to hear what's next for your family!

  3. What a wonderful way to celebrate Preston!!!! :)

  4. It's great that so much of your family could make it to VA for a visit!


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