Homeward Bound | Anchors Aweigh


March 8, 2018

Homeward Bound

I mentioned earlier this week that our time in Virginia is coming to an end. It is, and all too soon! I have said it before and I will say it again: Virginia is the only duty station I haven't initially been excited about. When I found out we were moving here almost four years ago, I was like ehhhh. I didn't know anything about the state other than the fact that it was far from Texas and cold in the winter. That was enough to make me write it off. 

Four years later, I can't believe we are actually about to leave. Four years in the same location is basically a lifetime in military terms. The people we do life with here have literally become our family. It's hard leaving people that really know and get you, and that's exactly what we are doing. It breaks my heart to say goodbye, but I am filled with joy at what we are saying hello to. 

We are headed to...


We are going back to Kingsville, TX (where we lived for 9 months in 2013 while Parker was in flight school) so Parker can be an instructor. We are over the moon! I mean, we get to live in the motherland! We will be 4 hours from my family and about 7 hours from Parker's family. We really couldn't be any closer, and thinking of a quick 4 hour drive to go see my nephew on the weekends has me doing the never ending happy dance. 

Virginia will always have such a special place in my heart. It is where I loved and lost our baby girl. It's where I became a mom to the baby boy that is the center of my universe. It is where Parker and I bought our very first home together. It is where I survived my first deployment. It is where we met friends that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt will be friends for life. Virginia has been the biggest blessing, and I thank God for knowing what we needed when he sent us here. 

It's been real, Virginia. Texas, we're coming for ya!


  1. Congrats! That's so great that you'll be so close to your families! Virginia is such a great state (I went to college there) and I'm glad you grew to love it! :)

  2. I'm excited for y'all but sad I won't be seeing y'all again! May the Lord bless your upcoming move and time in Texas.

  3. So excited for you that you get to go home! Lots of prayers and good wishes for this next chapter for your family! How long do you expect to be stationed there?

  4. Yay!!!! Congratulations!!!! When I first read Texas, my heart sank because I assumed Parker was getting out (I remember you mentioned he wants to make the Navy a career, so I thought something bad had happened career-wise.) But then I read further in your post, and I was like "OH yeah! Kingsville!" I'm SO excited for y'all!!!! My heart aches to be stationed back home.

  5. Yay! How exciting! So glad that you will be closer to family.

  6. We will miss you guys! Enjoy those Texas winters for us!

  7. We will miss you guys! Enjoy those Texas winters for us!

  8. I stumbled across your blog around a year ago when my boyfriend and I started dating. I’ve read so many of your old posts about life during your husbands flight school and it has helped me so much over the past year because (as you know) dating a (student) naval aviator is no easy task. He selected E2-C2 and moved to kingsville last weekend to start training for jets. Maybe your husband will instruct him at some point! (: Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that your blog has seriously been so helpful to me.

  9. Exciting! I love VA (but the other side of the state), but Texas is definitely a place I could see myself living for a few years.

  10. I am LEGIT so excited for y'all to be closer to family! <3


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