Anchors Aweigh : April 2018


April 9, 2018

Life Lately

And just like that, 3 weeks have gone by since my last blog post. All you working mamas that have babies and still manage to blog every day... teach me your ways! I have just settled on blogging when I can, and although this sporadic schedule drives my OCD side a little crazy, this is just the stage of life I'm in. 

Since it's Sunday afternoon and I have a second while that precious baby naps, I thought I'd show you what life lately has looked like for us! Let's see...

This picture is from Easter Sunday after church! We stayed in Virginia and hosted 9 other people for a little Easter dinner to celebrate the day. He is risen!

The weather warmed up... for a second, and now it is cold again. Womp womp womp. Preston and his friend thought the water table was too cool, so come on sunshine!

We have had lots of baby play dates lately! If you are a mom, you know play dates are really more for the moms to keep us all from going a little crazy. ;) It's so fun watching babies interact together too though. Love these two friends!

We walked to the park, and Preston enjoyed the swings and slide! He is not quite walking yet, so the park should be way more fun in the next couple of months!

I told Parker I wanted to get Preston an ice cream cone because he had a hard day coming up (more on that below), so Parker came back with three ice cream cones- one for me, one for him, and one for Preston. That's a lot of ice cream, but we finished it together. ;) I love my little ice cream buddy.

The next morning, Preston had his first (and hopefully only!) surgery on his eye. I actually had a similar procedure done last year by the same doctor, so we knew Preston was in great hands! Here he is in the waiting room, completely happy and unaware of what the day would hold. There aren't many pros of surgery for your baby, but one positive is definitely that they aren't aware. He had a great morning playing while we waited to go back. :)

The surgery was successful and over quickly, so we just snuggled while he worked on coming off of the anesthesia. It broke my heart seeing him like that, but so grateful for great doctors and an even Greater God that took care of this boy.

My mom flew in to help me with the surgery, and Preston repaid her by accidentally breaking her glasses... oops! He was happy to help her look through the frames and pick out new ones though! These two are such a sweet pair.

And since Grammy was in town and Preston was doing well, Parker and I jetted off for the very rare date night! We had dinner at Ruth's Chris knowing it would be our last time to go somewhere so fancy before we move, and we saw the movie Blockers. Yall, we were in hysterics! It's wildly inappropriate but man is it funny! We loved it!

Other than that, life lately has consisted of trying to keep up with this super cool dude. I just love him to pieces!