Anchors Aweigh : May 2018


May 21, 2018

House Tour: Our Virginia Beach Home

It's been quiet around here, and a lot of that is due to life with a toddler (you mamas that blog and mom are so impressive!), but a lot of that is also because we have officially moved! Virginia has been our home for 4 years, but as of this month, we are Texas residents once more!

We bought our very first home in Virginia, and while every place we have lived is sentimental for one reason or another, this place is loaded with memories and nostalgia, and we were so sad to leave. We brought our son home to this house. We conquered our first deployment in this house. We just love this house. 

Here we are in June 2015 when we bought the house!

I always like to do house tours on the blog after we leave, and thankfully I have a lot of pictures of this house since we just sold it! I wish I had pictures to share when it was a little more decorated, but we took down a lot of pictures/personal decorations before we listed it for sale.

The front of the house is Aggie maroon, which was totally coincidental, but we loved that!

The downstairs was basically all one room with the exception of a small bathroom. It was very open concept and made for a great entertaining space.



We really loved the layout of the upstairs because all four bedrooms were upstairs, and the laundry room was upstairs too. Having our bedroom just across the hall from the nursery was very convenient, especially in those early days where I was up 4 times a night!


(The canvas is from Canvas On The Cheap... great prices, great service, great product!)

Guest Bedroom/My Office:


Guest Bathroom:

Parker's Office (we hung our diplomas but other than that, nothing was really done with this room):

Master Bedroom:

Balcony Off Master:

Master Bath:

That's our Virginia home! The memories we made inside these walls will last a lifetime. The time we spent going on walks around the neighborhood, swimming in the neighborhood pool, and hanging out in the cul de sac with our neighbors was our favorite. I don't know if we will ever love a home and neighborhood as much as we did this one, but I sure am grateful we got to live there while we did!

Here we are on our last day of living in this home! Preston and I boarded a plane for Texas immediately after this picture was taken, and Parker and Jenny joined us a few days later!