10 Facts About Me | Anchors Aweigh


July 30, 2018

10 Facts About Me

Since I took so much time away from this little space, I thought I would take today to do a reintroduction of the girl behind this blog. If we haven't met, hi! My name is Chelsea, and I appreciate you stopping by to read this little slice of the Internet. 

I always like reading random facts about others that I maybe wouldn't know just by meeting someone once, so here are 10 little things about me that most might not know. :)

1. My friends joke that I am the Chandler of our group because nobody knows what I do for a living. They all know I work from home, but nobody can actually name what I do. It's not exciting to explain, so I usually don't bother. In a nutshell, I am on the sales team for a company based in California. 

Here's a throwback to my son's first birthday with a few of my friends.

 2. My dream is to settle down in Texas and raise kids with my sisters in the same neighborhood.

3. I hate long pants and will wear shorts when it's 30 degrees outside. I am the 1% that doesn't even think leggings are comfortable. On any given day of the year, you can find me in shorts or a cotton dress. 

4. I am passionate about animal rescue and follow rescue groups on Facebook just so I can see the adoptions. Jenny is a rescue, and there are so many wonderful dogs out there like her that just need someone to take a chance on them. Adopt, don't shop! :)

5. I eat a bowl of cereal every single morning for breakfast and don't think I'll ever get tired of it. My child feels the same way. ;)

6. My all-time favorite sitcom is Friends (see the Friends reference in #1), and my all-time favorite drama is Grey's Anatomy. 

7. The beach is my favorite getaway. (Jenny is also a beach girl!)

8. Running is my favorite form of working out and the only one I really do if I am being honest. 

9. My husband is a pilot for a living, but I really dislike flying. I totally support his love for it, but I'd prefer to stay on the ground! 

10. Since I chase around a toddler all day, when he takes his naps, it's like a game to me to see how much I can get done before he wakes up. I wish I would just lay there and watch TV instead. 


  1. You know running is my jam too!!!! Love it. :)

  2. Beautiful picture of you in the maroon sweater. Love you, Grandma Pat

  3. Lol, I've always wondered what you do!


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