Why I Took A Blogging Break, and Why I Am Back (For Real This Time) | Anchors Aweigh


July 23, 2018

Why I Took A Blogging Break, and Why I Am Back (For Real This Time)

Real talk: I have struggled internally over what to do with this blog for more than a year now. I started blogging back in December 2012, and it quickly became my favorite hobby and part of my identity. What started as a way to keep our families updated turned into a creative outlet, a way to meet new people, and an avenue to help and inspire other military spouses. I loved blogging, and it was definitely my "passion project". 

Fast forward to February 2017, and my son is born. He is everything I've ever dreamed of and more, and I have never loved anything like I love this kid. Suddenly, I go from being the biggest oversharer and blogging basically every facet of our lives to wanting to protect my kid and hide his face from the world. I want to believe everyone is good, but with a public blog, I really have no control over who reads it. 

Being that this has always been a lifestyle blog, and being a mom is now the biggest part of my life, I didn't know how to blog without sharing about my son. To me, it was either going to be all or nothing, and I chose nothing. I started posting once a month or not at all about random things, but my heart wasn't in it. I was mentally done, but every time I thought of something cool to post or fun to write about, I got sad thinking that I didn't really blog anymore. 

I prayed and thought a lot about it, and something in me recently shifted. I am not sure what or why exactly, but I really want to get back into blogging, and I feel like I finally have the time and the right mindset to do it. There is so much that I want to share and so much I have learned that I want to pass on. I am still going to try to keep things about my kiddo private to an extent, but there are a million other things to write about. 

So here we go. After over a year of neglecting this space, does anyone still read it? Probably not many (hi mom and dad!), but let's give this another whirl. 

I plan to post as close to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule as I can, so here goes nothing! If anyone is still around to read this, hi again, and thanks for sticking around! :)


  1. Yay!!! I am slowly getting back into blogging too!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad I'll be able to keep up with y'all more! I check your blog almost weekly and am so happy you'll be posting more. :)

  3. Welcome back!!! I was excited to see your blog in my Bloglovin feed! :)

    You didn't mention anything about needing content ideas, but one that I personally would LOVE to hear your take on is how you handle working full-time plus being a mom (just the logistics of it, not necessarily all about Baby if that makes sense!) I know for me personally, figuring out how to be a mom while working full-time is a huge concern of mine and one that keeps us questioning about the "right" time to have a baby. Especially in the military culture, where it seems like most moms are stay-at-home moms (more power to those that are! I've just always desired to work full-time) and Dad isn't necessarily always available to help with childrearing like my civilian friends who both work full-time. If that makes any sense!

  4. So glad to see you back!!!! :)

  5. Welcome back! I can't wait to catch up.

  6. Hello! I have been following your blog for about two years now and love it. My husband is just finishing up his Naval Aviation training and I loved reading all your previous post about your husband's training. It was so relatable! So glad you came back to blogging!

  7. Welcome back! I had the same dilemma (just without having the baby part), and I'm glad I stuck with it.

  8. I'm so glad your back!! I love reading your blog and it has been so helpful for me. Do you think you could write about what an average day looks like for you and your husband? For example what time he comes home or how often he gets to be around Preston?


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