DIY: Melted Crayon Art Hack | Anchors Aweigh


August 22, 2018

DIY: Melted Crayon Art Hack

Does anyone remember the melted crayons on canvases that monopolized Pinterest a few years back? The crayons look like they are raining colors over a silhouette of a couple with an umbrella, and all of America went nuts and thought we needed to try it. Well, as usual, I am about 4 years late to the trend, but I decided to sit down and try it.

My nephew is about to turn 2 and is having a Trolls themed party. If you've seen the movie Trolls (watch it, so cute), you know that it's all about the bright colors. I thought the melted crayon art would make a cute party decoration, so I set out to give it a whirl. 

You guys, I failed. Epically. It was a total Pinterest FAIL. Just take a look...

I wasted about 2 hours of my life peeling the wrappers off of crayons, hot gluing each crayon, and blow drying the crayons to get them to melt. And this was the result. I was so bummed! I was ready to be done, but I'm stubborn, so I decided I would give it one more go. I researched on Youtube and Pinterest to find different ways to do it, and I think I found the perfect hack to this craft that I'm excited to share with you today.

Forget the blow dryer that splatters hot wax everywhere. Want to do this project in half the time? Use a candle! Here's how:

First things first, you have to use Crayola crayons. I repeat, YOU HAVE TO USE CRAYOLA CRAYONS!

I tried being cheap and using crayons from the Dollar Tree on my first try, and that is where I went the most wrong. Cheap crayons have a waxy film on them that doesn't melt as well. Spring for the Crayola.


Crayola crayons
hot glue gun
birthday candles

Step 1: Take the paper off of the crayons. The paper will catch fire from the candle, so you have to take it off. Crayola glues every inch of that paper to the crayon, so the easiest way to take off the paper is to soak your crayons in water for 30-60 minutes. The paper should peel off easier after that. Feel free to leave them in there longer than 60 minutes. Nothing bad will happen to your crayons.

Step 2: Make sure your crayons are dry if they soaked in water, and hot glue each candle to the top of your canvas. Use painters tape to tape off any area on your canvas where you don't want the crayon to melt.

Step 3: Light a birthday candle and hold it to the tip of the crayons to melt. Each crayon should melt in a few seconds. Try to aim the candle to the tip of the crayon without letting the flame touch the canvas. I went through about 6 birthday candles for this project.

Ta da!! Easy, simple, and exactly what I was going for. I mentioned at the beginning of this post that this is for my nephew's Trolls themed party. So I stuck on a quote from the movie and drew the main characters at the bottom of my canvas.

If you ever find yourself wanting to attempt the melted crayon art, please learn from my mistakes. The first night was rough, but applying a few simple hacks to this project gave me the fast, easy end result I was looking for!


  1. That is such a cute idea!!! I love how you refused to accept the Pinterest fail, haha!!!

  2. Your IG stories from this were my absolute favorite haha!!! I'm so glad it ended up working out.

  3. This worked really well! Thanks! When my kids wanted to do crayon art I imagined the mess a blow dryer could make and found your candle tip. One idea--hold the candle with a clothes pin. My kids were able to do it on their own that way. They got pretty nervous with just the candle.

  4. Ha...hahaha...oofa. Condolences. Needlessly complicated instructions for an inexplicably sad result. I've been trolled by trolls.
    Probably shouldn't expect miracles from someone who thinks they have to soak crayolas for an hour.

    But in all sincerity, your supposed "fail" was on a better path. It had the potential to be interesting and, at a minimum, honest.


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