Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


August 1, 2018

Life Lately

It's been years (okay not really) since I did a Life Lately post, so here's a little glimpse into our oh so glamorous life! And by glamorous, I mean sunscreened noses, peanut butter faces, and toddler tantrums... and I wouldn't have it any other way. ;)

Let's see...

It gets up to about 100 degrees every day here in south Texas, so we are regulars at the local pool. These patriotic boys are my favorite pool buddies!

We live in a very small town now with not much to do, so sometimes I take Preston to Dollar Tree for a change of scenery. We love Dollar Tree in our house! Everything is $1, and they have so many great things there! Side note: Preston sometimes walks around with his hands behind his back and it. kills. me. every. time. 

On this particular day, we walked away with a paint with water book, a truck, and a kitten book that Preston picked out. $3 well spent, yall. 

Jenny's favorite day is empty peanut butter jar day. Every time we finish a jar of peanut butter, she gets to lick the jar clean. Heaven for this girl!

The other day, Preston stopped playing, came over to sit in my lap, and just snuggled. Toddlers move at a rate of about 150 mph, so the sweet cuddles are everything.

Preston and I visited my family for a week and loved every minute of it. This was the big draw of moving back to Texas for me, so I have tried to go home as much as possible. Preston's highlight of the week was gardening with Grammy. Give this boy dirt and his Gram, and he is a happy kid. My mom just has a way with this kid, and it's so cool to see him already have a special bond with her.

I am always begging Parker to play a board game with me. I get restless laying on the couch watching TV every night. Now that we are parents, it is a much harder to actually have adult conversation, so I don't like wasting our nights together glued to a TV. He finally gave in and played yahtzee with me the other night, and we had such a fun night! Board games... do it! Live a little. ;)

Oh water table, how I love you. If you have a kid over 1, buy a water table. Endless entertainment and our favorite way to beat the heat. I like playing with this more than the pool because A) it's not a drowning hazard and B) he can play independently.

Jenny is also a fan of the water table. It's her big girl bowl.

Lastly, Parker had a late flight, so I took Preston on a mommy/son date to Taco Bell. So fancy, I know. We had a great conversation over chalupas and sippy cups. ;)

That's life lately!


  1. I love that you take him to the dollar tree to just wander around! Such a fun idea.

  2. I also like to wander around the Dollar Tree, haha. We bought the Oregon Trail card game and still haven't played it. We need to do that one night instead of watching TV!


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