Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


September 12, 2018

Life Lately

Happy Wednesday! I thought I would take today to share a quick little update of what life looks like in our neck of the woods. It's not glamorous, but it sure is fun. These are the days of toddler giggles, playing outside, and even a date night sprinkled in the mix (what what!). 

So here's life lately...

I like to let Preston walk through the toy aisles at Walmart, which usually consists of him pointing to all the balls. On this day, he carefully picked up and balanced 2 balls in his arms and was so proud of himself. So cute!

I should write a blog post called "What Parker thought we needed from Amazon today". The latest was this giant golf net. We obviously needed that eye sore in the backyard, right?

One of our favorite summer activities has been to go to the aquarium as a family! It's fun for parents and toddlers, so win win!

We snuck out for a date night! And of course, it was dinner and a movie because we don't know how to do anything else. And we love it. We saw Crazy Rich Asians, and it was so cute! I didn't read the book but now wish I would have. Parker loved it too!

When Parker has to work late, I like to take the little one on special dinner dates just the two of us. I love our little time together, and he loves fortune cookies. ;)

I snapped this picture on a run the other day... it's starting to look like Fall!

Jenny and Sully have grown up together. Sully is my twin sister's dog, and what used to be constant playing and wrestling has turned into laying around and happily coexisting. They may be getting older, but they sure are cute together.

I can't look at this picture and not sing the Gilmore Girls theme song "Where you lead, I will follow...". Just another day in paradise.

That's life lately! It's so wonderfully ordinary, but I will look back on this stage and miss it so fiercely. I am loving every minute of life right now... even the exhausting minutes, of which there are plenty. ;)


  1. My goodness, that picture of Jenny and Sully together is adorable!

  2. Preston is getting so big!!!! And I love that photo of the pups!


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