Life Lately | Anchors Aweigh


October 17, 2018

Life Lately

It is officially Fall in south Texas, and life lately has been full! Here's what's been going on lately in our neck of the woods...

When you live in south Texas, weekend entertainment includes going to the kiddie rodeo. Preston got to pet a goat and run around in the dirt. It was a great way to spend the Saturday as a family, and we got home just in time to watch the Aggies beat South Carolina!

Without a doubt, my favorite part of being stationed in Texas again is proximity to family. Here's a picture of my parents feeding Preston his third Reese's of the evening... He's not spoiled or anything. #grandparents

On our most recent trip to visit my family, Parker and I snuck away for a much needed date night! We enjoyed free babysitting and delicious sushi, neither of which exist in our small town of Kingsville, Tx. ;)

This picture sums up Preston's two favorite things in a nutshell: the outdoors and his mama.

You know what, strike that last comment. Preston's actual favorite thing is the swings. The outdoors and me are a not so close second and third. We heart swinging!

The base put on a fire safety event for the kiddos, so I took Preston. He got to climb in a fire truck and push all the buttons. Not a bad day for a one year old!

We had dinner with our friends, and they had a bounce house for the backyard. My kid was in heaven!

  Enjoying Texas' finest cuisine with the world's cutest dinner date.

And no life lately post would be complete without a little Jenny update. Jenny is living her Jenny life. She sleeps 20 hours a day, loves walks, and kisses Preston all day long. We love her so much.

My friend posted this yesterday and I was cracking up. Because honestly, how true is this?!

That's life lately!


  1. Ha, I love that photo of your mom feeding P a Reese's! It looks almost like she's shoving it in his mouth, like "Quick before your mom sees!" Haha.

  2. The kiddie rodeo sounds pretty much amazing! It's amazing how much joy seeing your kids happy can bring.

  3. That’s a lot of fun stuff! He is getting so big!

  4. Whataburger is so good. We planned a road trip to stop at the only one in Georgia, haha.


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