Pumpkin Patching With my Crew | Anchors Aweigh


October 12, 2018

Pumpkin Patching With my Crew

Happy Friday! This past weekend when we were in town visiting my family, we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch! We found a neat pumpkin patch that had hay rides, inflatables, and a petting zoo and were so excited to go check it out.

This year with Preston was easily the most fun we have ever had at the pumpkin patch. He is almost two and so interactive and FUN! He loved the pumpkins and the petting zoo, and sliding down the inflatable slide with mama was his favorite thing ever.

We went with my twin and her family and my mom, who was taking this picture. The hay ride was so fun, and Preston sat still and took the whole thing in!

When Parker found out there was a petting zoo, he was all in. He was so excited to take Preston to the petting zoo. They pet goats and pigs. Preston thought it was kind of fun. Parker was a kid in a candy shop.

Kisses for Grammy before we went to indulge in our fried oreos, fried cookie dough, and fried poptarts! We didn't get to do the fair this year, so apparently we compensated at the pumpkin patch. I didn't get pictures of the 5000 calorie food, but how sweet are these two? We just love our Grammy so much.

Since Preston was a bit too young to climb up and go down the slide by himself, I went with him. He LOVED it! I will say that the narrow middle section of the inflatable where you climb up is not meant for a grown woman holding a toddler, but hearing his giggle every time we slid down made climbing that thing worth it. So fun!

His thing this year was sitting on the pumpkins. Why? Who knows? But to him, it was a perfectly acceptable place to take a sit.

Since the first Fall after Taylor Grace went to Heaven, I have been picking a white pumpkin for her. This was my fourth year in a row picking a white pumpkin for our angel girl, and we also got a cute orange pumpkin for Preston. I love my babies.

The pumpkin patch killed it this year, and I can only imagine how much more fun Preston will have next year. My favorite Fall family affair did not disappoint!

1 comment :

  1. I just love all of these photos! All of the trips to pumpkin patches is my favorite part of fall!


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