23 Weeks | Anchors Aweigh


February 20, 2019

23 Weeks

I celebrated 23 weeks of pregnancy by turning 30! I celebrated with a margarita and a wild night out on the town... obviously this was not the case. ;) I celebrated with a handful of chocolates and a 9 PM bedtime. It did not disappoint!

I am feeling this little boy kick all the time which is so fun! He sits SO low though... right on my bladder. I don't remember Preston sitting this low but maybe he did? I just know that having something sit on your bladder isn't the most comfortable feeling in the world.

At my latest doctor's appointment, baby's heartrate was 157 bpm!

I am up 6 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Last month, I was back up to my pre-pregnancy weight, so I gained 6 pounds in a month. Baby is healthy and growing, so that's all I care about!

I have been getting indigestion at night, but thankfully it's just at night before I go to sleep and not all of the time.

I experienced a lot of shortness of breath over the last week, and I think it was my body's way of telling me to slow down. Parker worked late every day that week, so I had Preston by myself, and my body was just tired.


  1. I feel like your pregnancy is going by so fast! You look fantastic!

  2. I hope that the shortness of breathe is gone and you were able to catch that rest! <3
    Yay for a healthy growing baby & momma!


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