Anchors Aweigh : March 2019


March 21, 2019

27 Weeks

It's been a hot minute since my last bumpdate! Parker was away on a Navy-sanctioned field trip for a couple of weeks, so I had nobody to take my picture. Apparently I am too lazy to use the self-timer on my phone, but here we are at 27 weeks- the last week of the second trimester! I will include updates from weeks 25 and 26 in this post too just to make sure I get it all in.

I had an ultrasound, and baby looks great! The head is in the 80th percentile, so we have another big head Fred on our hands! He was wiggly during the whole thing. Parker has gotten to be at every ultrasound so far which has been so fun since he missed all but one with Preston.

I am officially up 13 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight. My goal is to stay around 30 pounds like I did with Preston, but honestly, I am eating well and moving every day, so if I go over that number, that's just what my body needs to do to make a healthy baby. I am not worried about it.

We potty trained Preston (fun stuff) during this period, and I joke with Parker that it was the perfect time because he and I are on the same schedule. We both have to pee every 40 minutes. ;)

Bloody noses have been a pregnancy symptom for me for all pregnancies, but I have had at least one a day for the past week or so. I am prone to them anyway, and it's by no means the worst symptom you can get, but it's getting a little excessive!

I get very short of breath lately. I think baby might be hovering over a lung or something because I have trouble breathing a lot.

Baby's nursery is still a guest room for the next month, but I ordered a wooden cut out of his name to go over the crib when we get everything set up, and I can't wait to see it in the nursery! I really love his name and can't wait to share it.

We officially have a scheduled c-section date! Because Preston was a c-section, my doctor, Parker, and I all feel the safest route is to have another c-section. I laughed when I wrote down the date because if this kid is anything like his brother, he's going to come early anyway. ;)

March 3, 2019

24 Weeks

Yay viability! 24 weeks is the week doctors say this baby could survive if born. It's a fun milestone, but please stay in for a while longer, little man. I can also officially say I am 6 months pregnant, which is crazy! It's flying by but at the same time, I feel farther along than just 24 weeks. I look bigger than 24 weeks too. ;)

I can see and feel kicks from the outside now, which is awesome! Parker can feel the baby move and we can even see my stomach move from time to time. Little man is growing in there!

We've reached the point in our program where I have to pee all. the. time. It's a little inconvenient when I am out and about with my toddler and I have to find a bathroom every hour.

I've started feeling some pelvic pain since I am carrying so low. I had this with Preston too, but I don't remember it starting this early.

I forget how much my stomach protrudes and constantly run into things. Oops!

Lastly, and so glamorously, bloody noses is a weird but normal pregnancy symptom that happened a few times this week.

I am still feeling short of breath, but I don't think that one is going away as I continue to get bigger and bigger!