Anchors Aweigh : May 2019


May 22, 2019

36 Weeks

Tap tap, is this thing on? I really intended to blog every week of this pregnancy like I did with Taylor and Preston, but diabetes happened and these weekly updates (and all blogging for that matter) took a backseat. I am going to write more about our journey on the diabetes front later, but for now, I want to write a little pregnancy update on this sweet baby boy!

I have been doing ultrasounds every 3-4 weeks to make sure baby is still healthy and growing, and he is! This is purely a precaution due to "my history" as my doctor says, but I struggle to see the need for the extra ultrasounds because what happened with Taylor happened at conception. But, I do love seeing so much of our sweet baby up on the screen!

Overall, this baby is not measuring nearly as big as Preston was, so I am interested to see how much he weighs when he gets here! He has been measuring pretty much right on track!

I am up 18 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight, which really surprised me! I gained 32 pounds with Preston, so I attribute the lower weight gain with this baby to chasing a toddler around and growing a normal sized baby. ;)

It's hard to believe I am officially 9 months pregnant, and as hard as pregnancy can be at times, I have loved carrying this sweet boy. I feel every bit of 9 months pregnant and have indigestion pretty much 24/7, but we are nearing the end of this beautiful journey, and I will miss it.

Because Preston was a c-section, we have elected to do another c-section instead of a VBAC. There are risks to both, but overall we feel safer with the c-section and are comfortable going that route again. That means we have a date that we will meet him if he doesn't decide to come early!